Meet the Team

Catfarm crew

“The capacity of resiliency is universal. As gardener, I contribute by nourishing a fertile soil of experiments for new growth and regeneration of ecosystems, individually and collectively.”
Eliott Andreys
Eco-builder / ESC Coordinator

With an Organisation, Quality and Logistics diploma and having lived for 2 years in Angsbacka Kursgard, community, Sweden, where he served as an ESC the first year. He learned permaculture, event organisation and has been Improvement Team Leader and kitchen coordinator in festivals. His key competences lay on structuring the community daily life, project leading, gardening expertise and logistic flows. He is a project developer and the main gardener at the Catfarm.

“I believe that everyone has something to offer. Either skills, experiences or stories. Throughout this we can show what unites us instead of what separates us.”

Ulysses Schuitemaker
Founder / IT Infrastructure

With a background in IT and electronics, Ulysses moved towards visual arts and founded the Catfarm and the Adventures of Valparaiso community. He worked with over 1000 international youth since 2012 and has been leading and hosting workshops. For many of the projects, he does concept development and initiates new ideas. Ulysses has experience as a group leader and has managed many projects while teaching practical skills as a method. His key competences are leading, moving groups, mentoring, concept development, design, computing and practical skills. Strongly puts confidence in circular economy and the reuse of commodities.

"Create and distribute value through social impact - I feel that in the community it is a good place to live this challenge by learning and teaching."

Gabriel Busato
Finance and Administration

Gabriel is an entrepreneur with great knowledge and diverse skills. His experience include human resources management, finance, management offices, projects and operations. His main values are related to ethics, justice and integrity. He worked and created some companies and also have performed voluntary activities in non-profit institutions. Gabriel has a degree in Design and Management, MBA in leadership and human development and Master’s in Human Resources Management.

“Consciousness makes the difference”

This is Sivert, a curious soul from the frosty North who found his true passion for gardening in the soil at Catfarm. His background as a photographer with a diploma has influenced how he approaches gardening, infusing it with a keen eye for composition and detail. He sees his garden as a visual story unfolding, where each plant and feature contributes to a narrative of natural beauty and harmony. These days, you’ll find him knee-deep in dirt, overseeing his permaculture design project: the food forest in Le Cateau. At Catfarm, he has discovered a sense of purpose and community unlike anything he has ever known. So, if you ever find yourself in Le Cateau, come say hello to Sivert. He will be the one with dirt-stained hands and a heart full of gratitude for this wild, magical place.

"Everything is a journey"
laura ronzonı
Gardener & Inclusion and Support

Laura takes care of the precious and beautiful trees, veggies and plants of our Community Garden, or maybe they take care of her! 🙂 She believe that gardening can be an incredible way of nurturing our physical and psychological well being, while we make an alliance with the ecosystem, we respect it and we nurture it too. Between composting the permaculture beds and talking to plants, in the community she is also holding the space for talking and practicing about individual and group expression of emotions, tensions and needs, NVC, consent and community culture, trying to merge my knowledge as a Psychologist with Nature’s and community’s wisdom and creativity, as she likes to see environmental, financial, social, personal and cultural sustainability as interdependent.

“Find yourself in this world”
Project Developer

Curious mind and heart that lead her to community and develop herself. Pelin, a senior economics student from Turkey, embarked on a journey of exploration that led her to Catfarm as a marketing intern through the Erasmus Internship Mobility program. Captivated by the community’s ethos, she decided to stay longer, immersing herself in sustainable living for the first time while contributing her skills to Catfarm’s projects. Passionate about social initiatives and cultural exchange, Pelin’s commitment embodies a dynamic force for positive change within Catfarm and beyond.

"Community can be a compass in a confusing world that people feel lost and alone"
Art Fairy

Kadmo discovered Catfarm through the European Solidarity Corpse project (ESC) and found a place that hugged and showed them how powerful and beautiful community can be. Through this 9 month project, they got to explore so many different parts of the community, like building, food-processing, gardening, composting and explore my artistic self. After the ESC project ended, they decided to return, not only because of my love for the community but also because of how much more they can keep learning here every day!

"The whole is more than the sum of the parts. And I believe that the "more" of a whole come from the difference of each parts"
CISKA van Stuijvenberg
Project Manager

Ciska traveled to many different ecovillages in Europe learning about more regenerative ways of living. Driven by a passion to see how we can live more connected to the earth, our self and community again. Seeing how we can create system change and regenerative cultures starting on a small scale local level with this community, as well as connecting to the wider network of ecovillages. At Catfarm she has the role of project overview together with also getting her hands in the ground at the garden, learning about water retention and how to create more biodiversity. Facilitating social permaculture exercises to further work with the social dimension of sustainability. With all of this studying how we can create resilient communities that can move through polycrisis and collapse and also to have fun living together now.

"Straight from the land, to the kitchen and into the stomach: that's the route food should take"
Florian van Schaik
Gardener & Kitchen Manager

Florian envisions himself starting an eco-community one day where he can combine an ecological lifestyle with education, to invite and show people how one could live in an alternative setting, self-sufficient and outside of the city. Catfarm provides the perfect environment for him to learn and experiment, developing new ideas on decision making, hierarchy, facilitation and community stability. It is a place where he feels safe and comfortable to explore expressing himself in new ways, such as through movement and his voice. He also likes to draw maps of places that don’t exist and sometimes of places that are yet to exist, as he is very passionate about permaculture. Together with the garden team, Florian is designing and implementing the new forest garden on the land. Lastly, he enjoys providing the community with delicious meals and cakes, that brings smiles to the faces of the community members.