Category: Projects


The I REVIVE Youth Exchange was a transformative 15-day program held at the Catfarm eco-community in southern France. Bringing together over 36 young adults from diverse backgrounds, the initiative aimed to address the climate crisis by fostering regenerative practices and sustainable living. The core mission of the I REVIVE Youth

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Bridges for Plastic Youth Exchange

As we look back on the transformative journey of the Bridges For Plastic Youth Exchange, we are filled with gratitude and pride for the incredible impact we’ve achieved together. Over the course of 15 inspiring days in Poussan, France, 36 passionate young adults from around the world came together to

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Back to Roots Youth Exchange

Between May 4 and May 18, 36 young people from the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Italy, Portugal, and Greece gathered at Catfarm in Poussan for the Youth Exchange “Back to Roots.” Immersed in workshops and activities, they explored sustainable living, intercultural understanding, and community values under the guidance of international volunteers,

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