The Catfarm in bringing automatisation into community living!
This year the Catfarm is going smart!
Meaning we are going to get an overview of things like electricity and water usage but also the amount of waste that is generated. This to make smarter decisions of our off-grid resources.
We are going to make everything measurable and experiment with automatisation. To kick-off, we would like to get a Farmbot, a robot that makes homegrown food through an app.
We also want to install a smart irrigation system, which will make sure the plants receive proper amounts of water and nutrition all year round.
Finally, to solve our mosquito problem we need proper technology to help get rid of them!
Click here to support us
We need your support for:
– Usage measurement sensors + microcontrollers (eg. electricity and water to see how much we use and when)
– Farmbot
– Irrigation system to make the farm more coloured
– Plan to protect us from being eaten by mosquitos