
Step off-grid and join our collaborative projects and be part of a purrrrfect adventure.

The Catfarm offers a unique opportunity to learn new skills, showcase your talents, make life-long friends, and build a masterpiece together. We have the equipment to build living structures and are open to all creative input.

Also, you will have the time and right environment to reconnect with nature, work on your personal growth and connect with beautiful souls while becoming a cat yourself <3

The sky is the limit! If you have an affinity for cats and are interested in collaborating with other types of project developers, artists, healers, builders, gardeners and entrepreneurs to develop social, artistic and ecological projects, this is perfect for you!

Here are some things to keep in mind during your stay:

  • One of the main priorities of your volunteer work is to improve the facilities to prepare the space to host projects at Catfarm (Youth Exchanges, Training, Open days, Festivals).
  • The Catfarm works with seasons and periods. Sometimes there is more focus on hosting events, other times more focus on building and maintenance and others more focused on developing projects etc.
  • The Catfarm is an incubator for creatives and entrepreneurs that are self-driven and motivated to develop themselves personally and professionally and are working together for a vision.
  • The Catfarm is a community/organisation with a structure shaped by Holacracy and trusted on the collective intelligence of individuals with a purpose. Catfarm is not a place to come spend holidays (for this you may check your options as a guest). The working pace of the community is medium-high, within everyone’s boundaries, and there are expectations for dedication effort and care.
  • The Cats love to hear new ideas and to discuss ways we could collaborate and develop artistic, social and ecological projects together. We love motivated people, so be welcome to share with us your ideas and skills <3.
  • We kindly ask you to support us in maintaining Catfarm a substance-free community.  We aim to move towards health, well-being and authentic connection, for this we do not allow an atmosphere of smoking and drinking.
  • Please do your best to understand and respect Catfarm’s on-site and online structures. More specifically, Holacracy (Cat Roles, Circles, Tension Meetings etc) & Notion – our online management system where we document all the processes



  • A chance to work on exciting sustainable projects.
  • Learn new skills.
  • Meet interesting people from various places around the world.
  • We love Art!
  • We teach people how to work with tools!
  • Freedom to follow your own creative direction.
  • Opportunity for professional development and co-creation of projects. 
  • Develop your sense of initiative, self-drive and motivation to build your dreams.
  • Off-the-grid living can be more challenging than what you might be used to and involves problem-solving and patience. But living in a community means we are all in this together, and no problem lasts too long when we work as a team.
  • Watch some videos to know more about Catfarm 




  • Staying as a volunteer is for FREE. We do expect about 6 hours per day of volunteering (included morning meetings, sharing circles, meetings of your circles, tasks connected to your roles and to the projects you are involved, cooking, cleaning, going to the market and grocery and food sorting). If you come as a volunteers, committing to 6 hours per day of volunteering from Monday to Friday, food is for free.
  • A great part of your volunteering involves energizing a role – we organize ourselves base in Holacracy
  • If you are having other projects on the side, please let us know in advance to see if we have the space to receive you
  • Become a member on Patreon


  • 1-month minimum stay.
  • We cook vegan and collect left over food from the markets
  • BYOS (Bring Your Own Sleeping bag)
  • You will be sleeping in a shared space, or in a tent
  • If you would like to stay longer ask the recruitment Cats in advance
  • As we host events, come prepared to have many new people coming and going
  • Take some time to read about the Roles


  • We start our day at 9:00 am with a community meeting
  • We use open and direct communication for solving tensions.
  • We encourage you to share your skills and knowledge and give workshops and organise activities!
  • Got a cool idea? Tell us!
  • The Care Cats will be on-site to help you with the adaptation process
  • We are not only an on-site community, there are also many Cats working online. You are expected to also be involved in the digital aspect of the Catfarm through Telegram & Notion



We are an inclusive community, from the moment you enter you are part of the group no matter where you come from, or your ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion. However, everyone goes through a selection process and a 1-week trial period to see if we are a match. Additionally, the staying process is maintained by the Balance Circle, these Roles have the mission to protect the Cats and care for group dynamics.

Checked all the must reads & want to become a Cat ^-^?



Go to Catfarm if… You like meeting beautiful authentic people, learning about sustainability (self sufficiency, ecovillages & community life on a small scale), random jam sessions (and random unorthodox weddings), beat boxing (and actual boxing), massage workshops (as well as workshops or lectures on biochar, relationships & more), cats in the sink, beautiful golden hours, going to the beach, partying, dancing, cuddles and more cuddles, DIY everything, yummy food, sleeping outside (or in tents, a car or in a gorgeous tipi!), awesome weather, the one local bar in Poussan, chickens in your bed, and so much more… not to mention the endless little projects and chores which keep the place running . I am so happy to have connected with so many amazing people.  I’m excited to see what comes next! Especially looking forward to seeing new gardens, data collection systems and new DIY natural products recipes!

I felt so recharged in the community & feeling so much more myself.  The ways of connecting with others are so much more comforting and loving than in “normal society”. 

There are so many inspiring solutions and other ways of living that are so much more fulfilling – from self sufficiency to how we connect with other humans.
Thanks for having me cats, I hope we meet again!”